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Where is Ocean Biomedical's corporate headquarters?
Ocean Biomedical is based in Providence, RI. The address is 55 Claverick St., Providence, RI, 02903
Where is the company incorporated?
Ocean Biomedical, Inc. is incorporated in Delaware.
When did Ocean Biomedical go public? What was the price?
Ocean Biomedical went public on July 23, 2021. The initial IPO price was [*]
How is Ocean Biomedical’s stock traded?
Ocean Biomedical is traded on NASDAQ. The ticker symbol is OCEA.

Company Inquiries

Where can I find out more about Ocean Biomedical? is a great source for all the latest news about the company. The website will share updates on any research findings, company news, or asset expansions as they occur.

Where can I get the latest corporate news releases and financial reports?

You can find all of our news releases and financial reports in the Investor Relations section of our website: There you will also find links to subscribe to updates if desired.

How can I view documents Ocean Biomedical has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), including Forms 10-K and 10-Q?

You can find all public company documents filed with the SEC, and subscribe to get updates on future filings on the SEC’s website at:

Who makes up the Ocean Biomedical Executive Management team and Board of Directors?

Ocean Biomedical’s Executive Management team combines accomplished scientists, business professionals, and entrepreneurs with the interdisciplinary expertise and resources required to develop and commercialize a diverse portfolio of assets. You can find detailed info on our website at:

The Science

What disease areas does Ocean Biomedical target?
We are currently pursuing programs in oncology, fibrosis, infectious disease and inflammation. In oncology we are targeting non-small cell lung cancer and glioblastoma multiforme. In fibrosis we are targeting Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and Hermanksy-Pudlak syndrome. In Infectious disease we are targeting malaria. In inflammation we are currently targeting COVID-19.
How many people are impacted by malaria these days?
Approximately 500,000 children under age of 5 globally die each year from malaria. Malaria affects 200 - 300 million people annually worldwide.
What is pulmonary fibrosis, and how big of a problem is it?
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, or IPF, is a debilitating lung disease that occurs when the body’s normal healing responses become overactive, resulting in scarring of lung tissue that progressively inhibits breathing. Approximately 160,000 people in the U.S. and 64,000 people in Europe suffer from IPF. There is no cure for IPF and while the current therapies may slow the progression of the disease, the response to those therapies is heterogenous and may be limited by side-effects. There is a significant unmet medical need for more effective and tolerable IPF therapies.
What is Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome, and how big of a problem is it?
Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome, or HPS, is an ultra-rare disease affecting approximately 1,800 people in the U.S., mostly in Puerto Rico. Most patients with HPS develop lung fibrosis that progresses rapidly and is typically lethal within ten years of diagnosis. No therapeutic interventions are currently approved by the FDA for the treatment of HPS and lung transplantation remains the only potentially life-prolonging treatment.